How to post ads on craigslist to earn money from home, remotely, part time!

This article in part of a developing series on using craigslist to generate extra money from home. Check back for updates. I will note that the article has been updated at the top.

If you haven't watched Part 1 - using craigslist to earn money from home, getting started and Part 2 - craigslist account creation, do that now, or this article won't make sense. ?

Assuming you have watched Part 1 and Part 2, you're ready for Part 3:

Posting your first ad on craigslist

So you have a fresh new "cl" account ready to go! Well, hang on. You need to know what to post, and why. This article may be long and need to be broken up into several chunks. I will link you for easy access. There is a lot to cover.

What to say in your ad

You need to have a link ready to share with people. You get those from signing up with some survey websites that offer referral links. I covered this here: Earn extra part time cash with survey referrals.

Copy your link to a clipboard and save it for later. For now..

I'll go over making a website later, so let's assume that part is already done.

I have recorded an in depth video on the topic of what to post. Please watch before proceeding further.

If you have watched the video then please continue reading. 

What you write in your ads should be just enough to get the point across and yet totally exciting, without being obnoxious. It's a skill that you will develop over time, one of many that you must cultivate to achieve the goal I laid out here How to make $200 to $500 a month part time from home remotely.

You can see I am linking all these articles from one to the next, this is to emphasize the importance of each step, and get you to start thinking in terms of the goal of making money from home remotely.

Here is the great ad I showed you in the video. Use the essence of this ad to create your own messaging. Write things down, brainstorm, think in terms of putting yourself in the viewers shoes. Will they like what you say? Did you over promise but under deliver? All questions you should answer by writing them down. This will help you develop the skills you need to earn money from home.

Here's that ad I showed you. Let's talk about it.

"Evaluate Products For Companies - $225/week (Atlanta) 

Companies are looking for product feedback and are willing to pay for your answers. All that is needed is a smartphone, your answers, and a place to review products. Application to apply: link here"

I would tone down the money part: $225/week. That's too much. If the promise is true, then by all means, have at it! It's hard to make $225 a week reviewing products unless someone breaks it down for you in an article showing you how, which this ad does not do.

Pros about this ad

  • Short, sweet and well written
  • Short, sweet title, well written
  • Link in ad is a paid for domain, not a freebie, which as I discussed earlier, craigslist will not honor

Cons about this ad

  • $225/week is too much for the actual opportunity. When you want to post an ad and you want to use money in the title, just write $3 each time, that is if the offer can support that. Pinecone Research offers $3 each time you complete a survey. So you can write that in this ad and you're being honest.

Aside from the money issue, this is a stellar ad and presentation, one that craigslist has approved. And one that you can take inspiration from and emulate.

This article is being broken up into another section on the topic of what to write when posting ads. You can read that article here:

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